(SANILAC COUNTY) — The Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office recognized outstanding achievement during an awards ceremony this week in conjunction with Professional Development Training at the Countryside Free Methodist Church fellowship hall. The presentation included 8 Life Saving Awards, 24 Meritorious Service Awards, 30 Honorable Mention Awards and a Special Recognition Award. The Awards Committee also selected one recipient from each Division to receive Deputy of the Year Awards. The 2015 Dispatcher of the Year was co-awarded to Dispatchers Rikki Tschirhart and Jennifer Hartel. The 2015 Corrections Deputy of the Year was Deputy Phil Cooper and the Uniform Services Deputy of the Year was Deputy Joshua Horst. Dispatcher Connie Smith was given the Special Recognition Tricia Rae Shephard Award and Sheriff Biniecki presented the 2015 Sheriff’s Distinguished Deputy Award to Administrative Assistant Amanda Wojcik for her outstanding civic involvement and dedication in providing quality and professional service.