Following election results in Sanilac County, along with retirements from long-serving employees in the county, a number of people will be sworn into office next week, but not in the traditional way.
Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire said due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, swearing in ceremonies will look a bit different this year.
The ceremonies for several County offices will take place in Judge Donald Teeple’s courtroom, but held over a two-day span due to social distancing requirements.
Thursday, December 17th at 2:30 p.m., County Commissioners Gary Heberling, Jon Block, Joel Wyatt, Bill Sarkella and Roger Ballard, County Clerk Denise McGuire, Circuit Court Judge Timothy C Wrathall, County Treasurer Trudy Bowers and the Register of Deeds will be sworn in.
In a second ceremony at 3:00 p.m., the Probate Judge, Prosecuting Attorney Brenda Sanford, Road Commission member Randy Horst and Drain Commissioner Doug Sweet will all be sworn in.
The following day, at 2 p.m., Sanilac County’s new Sheriff Paul Rich will be sworn in to office.
Those retiring from office include Prosecutor James Young, Sheriff Garry Biniecki, Undersheriff Brad Roff, Drain Commissioner Greg Alexander and Lucy Higgins, the office manager in the Prosecutor’s Office.