(AREA) — Michigan Farm Bureau’s Champions of Excellence program presented $500 grants to several Michigan counties last month for their strong member involvement throughout the past year. The program recognizes county Farm Bureaus in four categories-agricultural advocacy, program innovation, member involvement and leadership development. Statewide winners in all four categories will be announced December 1 at the 96th annual MFB State Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids. The district champions achieving excellence in the member involvement category included the Huron County Farm Bureau in District 6 for promoting a special “Friday Night on the Farm” social event targeting new and potential Young Farmer members. The district champions achieving excellence in the leadership development category included the Sanilac County Farm Bureau in District 6 for approving a motion to add two junior board members-an 11th grader and a 12th grader-to help provide a fresh perspective and groom its future leaders. The student members will be eligible to receive $500 scholarships if they attend at least six board meetings and serve on a committee. It was announced last week that the Tuscola County Farm Bureau was a winner in the program innovation category for District 6 and the St. Clair County Farm Bureau took top honors for District 6 in the agricultural advocacy category.