Cardboard City is Returning to the Courthouse Lawn

(SANDUSKY) — The Youth Advisory Council of the Sanilac County Community Foundation will hold their Cardboard City fundraiser on the Sanilac County Courthouse lawn on Saturday, October 24. Over 100 local high school students will stay outside overnight in a city made of cardboard, to bring awareness of homelessness in Sanilac County. The event is also designed to raise money to help people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Students will be braving the elements, as well as collecting pledges and donations from community members. In the 13 years since the Youth Advisory Council started doing Cardboard City, $94,798 has been donated to the Sanilac County SAVE Council to help 283 adults and 337 children become housed or stay housed. The money is used for rent and mortgage payments, overdue utility payments, down payments on rental units, and a variety of other things that help prevent a family from becoming homeless. It is also used for emergency shelter situations through the Sandusky Police.

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