Matthew Grant

Matthew Grant, age 44 of Ubly, passed away on Tuesday, October 20. Private family services will be held at a later date. Arrangements are being made by the Zinger-Smigielski Funeral Home, Ubly.

Ronald Bright

Ronald Bright, age 87 of Imlay City, passed away on Wednesday, October 21. Services will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 11 a.m. at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Imlay City. Visitation at the Muir Brothers

Shirley Arquette

Shirley Arquette, age 77 of Caro, passed away on Wednesday, October 21. Services will be held Monday, Oct. 26 at Noon at the Kranz Funeral Home in Cass City where visitation will be held Monday, Oct. 26

High-end Civil War business at home in Charlotte

CHARLOTTE, Mich. (AP) – A Charlotte business has found a niche producing high-quality reproductions of Civil War uniforms. The Lansing State Journal reports that Dan Wambaugh and Brian White started Wambaugh, White & Co. stressing historical authenticity.

Michigan’s core getting closer to full strength

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) – Michigan’s Zak Irvin is able to do some light shooting as he recovers from his back operation. Michigan held its media day Thursday and allowed reporters to watch an hour of practice.

Deputies investigate stolen tree stand

(TUSCOLA COUNTY) — Tuscola County Sheriff’s Deputy Oliver is investigating the theft of a tree stand from an area off Barkley Road between Birch Run Road and Arbela Road in Arbela Township.  If you recognize this person