(SANDUSKY) — The City of Sandusky will be smoke testing the sanitary sewer system from Wednesday, October 28-Friday, October 30 starting at 8 a.m. Workers will use a white smoke that is forced through the sewer lines using air, to help locate an inflow or infiltration areas in the system caused by breaks in the lines, condition of manholes, broken clean-outs and to also find unlawful sewer connections such as downspouts or sump pumps discharging into the system. To prepare your home, Sandusky residents should make sure to run all faucets, showers, sinks, and tubs with water for at least a minute and pour water in all floor drains in order to make sure all plumbing traps are filled. A correctly vented and plumbed home will produce white smoke coming from the roof vent or other areas where the plumbing system has been vented. Anyone with breathing problems or those who use oxygen are asked to contact the Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent at 810-648-2144 so the staff can make arrangements to assist you.