Featured Managed Waterfowl Hunt Area: Harsens Island

(HARSENS ISLAND) — Waterfowl hunters have had a good start to the season in the state. The DNR recently highlighted the Harsens Island Managed Waterfowl Hunt Area, located on the shores of the St. Clair Flats, and a short ferry ride from Algonac across the St. Clair River. Spanning 3,355 acres, this area has been a sought-after destination for waterfowl hunters. Dabbling and diving ducks, along with Canada geese, are plentiful across the St. Clair Flats. Mallards are the most commonly harvested duck at the Harsens Island Managed Waterfowl Hunt Area, with a good number of black ducks, green-winged teal, wood ducks and pintails being taken as well. DNR wildlife biologist Terry McFadden says hunters that have not been to Harsens before should try an afternoon hunt. Waterfowl hunters must enter the managed hunt drawings to hunt on Harsens Island. Drawings occur at 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. daily during the hunting season. There are 60 hunting zones comprised of flooded agricultural fields and cattail and emergent marsh zones. To get around the area, boats with small motors are encouraged. Spinning-wing decoys are not allowed at Harsens Island. During waterfowl season, Harsens Island is also open to small game hunting and trapping during open seasons in designated areas. Deer hunting is by permit only through a draw, similar to the waterfowl hunting draw.

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