Amy Schumer, senator cousin call for tighter gun control

NEW YORK (AP) – When it comes to gathering support for major issues, Amy Schumer is at the cutting edge of influence. The star has more than 2 million Twitter followers, and nearly as many on Facebook and Instagram. Her cousin, Sen. Charles Schumer, knows that. On Sunday, they stood together in front of New York’s City Hall for what they call their “crusade on guns.” It started in August, when they teamed up days after a gunman fatally shot two women in a Louisiana theater showing “Trainwreck,” starring Amy Schumer. The Schumers urged lawmakers to back a proposed gun control bill to be sponsored by the New York Democrat. Now, they’re trying to create a national groundswell forcing a vote. They’re asking people to call, write, tweet and post on Facebook to stop gun violence.

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