Plans move forward for Upper Peninsula whitetail deer ranch

HUMBOLDT TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) – Plans are moving forward for a 600-acre whitetail deer ranch in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula despite concerns from area residents. The Mining Journal of Marquette reports ( ) the planning commission in Marquette County’s Humboldt Township this week approved plans by Elton Luce Jr. for the Circle L5 ranch. Specially bred whitetail deer would be brought from a Lower Peninsula ranch. The perimeter of the ranch would be surrounded by an electrified fence to keep the deer in and predators out. Deer would be killed with the assistance of hunting guides. Opponents discussed concerns about chronic wasting disease – a contagious, fatal disease that attacks the brains of infected deer and elk. The disease has been found in the Lower Peninsula. They also say they’re concerned about the safety of people nearby.

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