Puppet, Twister, Super Soaker make Toy Hall of Fame

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) – Twister, the parlor game once too hot for the Sears catalog but cool enough for Johnny Carson, has been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.  The class of 2015 announced Thursday also includes the old-as-time puppet and Super Soaker – think squirt gun on steroids.  The inductees were chosen over nine other finalists: the spinning top, coloring book, Wiffle Ball, American Girl dolls, Battleship, Jenga, PLAYMOBIL, scooter and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  The hall of fame at The Strong museum in Rochester recognizes toys for their longevity and ability to foster discovery through play.  Twister, which made players into game pieces, was deemed too racy for Sears Roebuck’s 1966 catalog. It took off, though, when Carson played it with Eva Gabor on “The Tonight Show.”

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