Marlette Regional Hospital Foundation’s “Tree of Shining Love” ceremony set for Dec. 6

(MARLETTE) — The Marlette Regional Hospital Foundation’s “Tree of Shining Love” presentation will be held Sunday, December 6. The fundraising event gives residents an opportunity to honor those in our lives or remember those who are no longer with us. Proceeds this year will help fund a renovation project for the emergency room at Marlette Regional Hospital to change the appearance and enhance security and privacy for patients. In addition to those honored by the general public, the “Tree of Shining Love” will remember, honor, and pay special tribute to long-time area physician Dr. Michael Ogboh. Dr. Ogboh led the Family HealthCare of Brown City medical practice for many years, provided care in the emergency room, and served as the medical director for many hospital services including the hospice program. To support this year’s “Tree of Shining Love,” contact the MRH Foundation at 989-635-4011 or visit

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