Jingle Bell Run set for Dec. 5 at Diamond Trail in Sandusky

(SANDUSKY) — Relay for Life of Sanilac County is hosting a “Jingle Bell Run” fundraiser during the Country Christmas Weekend in Sandusky. The event will be held at Diamond Trail on Saturday, December 5. A 1-mile family walk will start at 9 a.m. and the 5K run will begin at 9:30 a.m. The event will be held rain or shine and all of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Sanilac County. The cost is $25 for the 5K run if registered by Monday, November 23. The cost includes a shirt. Anyone who registers after November 23 must pay $30. The cost for the Merry Mile is $10 per person or $20 with a shirt. Awards will also be given out to the two best dressed participants. For more information contact Jennifer at 810-300-9623 or visit the Relay for Life of Sanilac County Facebook page for a registration form.

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