Drug raid in Sandusky results in seizure of suspected narcotics and weapons


(SANDUSKY) — Illegal drug activity in a Sandusky home resulted in a raid by Sanilac County Drug Task Force officers Wednesday morning in the 300 block of West Sanilac Avenue. While providing assistance on an overdose victim, Officer Gezequel observed physical evidence in the home of illegal narcotic use. The search warrant lead to the seizure of multiple syringes, prescription medications, and suspected narcotics. Weapons were also seized. Authorities say the overdose victim, a 23-year old Sandusky man, had been released from medical treatment just hours earlier for illegal drug dependency. The man remains under medical care and has been charged with possession of stolen property found inside the home. He faces drug charges once lab tests results are complete. A second person at the residence, a 38-year old woman, was arrested on a parole violation related to drugs and weapons found inside the home. Sanilac County Sheriff’s deputies assisted Drug Task Force and Sandusky officers during the raid. An investigation into drug crimes and the stolen property continues.

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