(SANDUSKY) — The Sandusky Lions Club is once again collecting new, unwrapped toys for area children this holiday season. The Toys for Kids program helps families in need give their children a memorable Christmas. Large collection boxes are placed at Sandusky businesses for donations. Toys are needed for children ages newborn to 14-years old. Program Chairperson Sharon Danek says the support of the community has always been overwhelming. The Sandusky Lions Club have been involved in the program for well over 30-years. Those wishing to make a monetary donation are asked to contact Sharon at 810-648-4216.
Donation boxes are located at these Sandusky businesses:
Ace Hardware
Buck-It Sporting Goods
Chase Bank-Westpark
Community Mental Health
Big Boy
Burger King
Eastern Michigan Bank
Exchange State Bank
Family Eye Care
Family Farm & Home
Graff Chevrolet
Jensen Bridge & Supply
Jerry’s Foodland
McKenzie Health System
Northstar Bank
Sandusky City Building
Sanilac Medial Care Facility
Sanilac Pharmacy
Talmer Bank & Trust
Team One Credit Union
TNT Equipment
Tri-county Equipment
Tubbs Brothers