(SANDUSKY) — The 5th Annual “Shop With A Hero” event in Sandusky was held Tuesday at the Sandusky Wal-Mart. Sanilac County Sheriff’s Administrative Assistant Amanda Wojcik says 22 families in need this holiday season with a total of 97 people, were selected to take part. Children from Sanilac County are selected by the Department of Human Services to shop for their family members. Before shopping, the children and volunteers were treated to pizza and breadsticks donated by Pizza Hut. Walmart donated drinks and snacks. After dinner, the children were paired up with their “Hero” and did some Christmas shopping. Additional volunteers were on hand to wrap all of the gifts. “Hero’s” that volunteer this year were from the Applegate Fire Department, Croswell EMS, Croswell, Deckerville, Lexington, Marlette, and Sandusky Police Departments, Moore Township Fire Department, Michigan State Police, Sandusky Fire Department, Sanilac County Sheriff’s Posse, and the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office. Donations and volunteers make the event possible.