After Jared fiasco, Subway hires former Coca-Cola brand exec

NEW YORK (AP) – Subway hopes to revamp its tarnished image by hiring former Coca-Cola executive Joseph Tripodi as its new chief marketing officer. Tripodi is joining the sandwich chain at a tough time for the brand. Last month, Subway’s longtime spokesman Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison for trading child pornography and paying for sex with underage girls. Fogle began appearing in Subway commercials in 2000, touting his dramatic weight loss by eating the chain’s sandwiches.  Subway’s previous chief marketing officer, Tony Pace, left in July nearly two weeks after Fogle’s home was raided by authorities. Tripodi retired from Coca-Cola Co. in February, after the 60 year old spent more than seven years as the soda company’s chief marketing and commercial officer.

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