No charges filed in alleged animal neglect case in Sanilac County

(GREENLEAF TOWNSHIP) — The 28 puppies and six adult female dogs taken from a Greenleaf Township couple in early November have been returned. Charges will not be filed against Daryl and Linda Holzhausen. Authorities, acting on a tip of possible animal neglect, removed the dogs from the home on Huron Line Road November 5. They were taken to the Sanilac County Humane Society and checked by a veterinarian. According to a statement from the Sanilac County Prosecutor’s Office, the law requires sufficient food, water, shelter, sanitary conditions, exercise and veterinary care. Police reports, photographs, and veterinarian’s reports showed the animals had water, food and shelter. They were found in relatively clean conditions and many of which were running around freely in appropriate enclosures. The vet also indicated that all of the dogs appeared in appropriate body condition, indicating no sign of malnutrition. The report noted that cages and kennels inside the home were clean and there is no law that says dogs cannot be kept in cages. The statement from the prosecutor said that “the office will continue to work with the Animal Control officer to ensure that all of the animals are properly vaccinated, licensed, and provided appropriate care in the future.”

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