(ALGONAC) — State Representative Dan Lauwers says a $50,000 grant has been recommended by the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund for a new lighting system at Algonac’s Riverfront Park. The Brockway Township lawmaker says the project development grant is one of 44 such recommendations made by the NRTF board of trustees for projects in 30 counties. The board also recommended 26 recreational land acquisition grants across the state. The Riverfront Park project involves replacing current lighting with an energy efficient version, including new poles, bases, electrical wiring and fixtures. The lighting will improve safety and aesthetics at the park at considerable cost savings to the city. The park includes a four-block shoreline boardwalk on the St. Clair River, a gazebo, benches, boat launch, visitor center and historical museum. The funds come from interest earned on the development of publicly owned minerals, such as oil and natural gas, so no tax dollars are being used to fund this project. The recommendations will go to the Legislature for review as part of the appropriations project and, if approved, will be sent to the governor for his signature.