Scott Weiland’s ex asks for fans not to glorify tragedy

NEW YORK (AP) – Scott Weiland’s ex-wife says December 3 is not the day he died so much as the day hope was lost. Mary Forsberg writes in Rolling Stone she and their two teenage children, Noah and Lucy, are angry and sad, but they are “most devastated that he chose to give up.” She says Noah and Lucy lost their father years ago. Forsberg says Weiland was “a paranoid man who couldn’t remember his own lyrics and who was only photographed with his children a handful of times in 15 years of fatherhood.” She says even after they broke up, she’d still try to help Weiland with his paranoid fits so that he could show up to his kids’ school functions. Forsberg ends by saying, “Skip the depressing T-shirt with 1967-2015 on it – use the money to take a kid to a ballgame or out for ice cream.”

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