State transportation economic grants to support 155 jobs in St. Clair County

(AREA) — The Michigan Department of Transportation is awarding state transportation economic development grants totaling $266,503 that will support 155 jobs in Yale. Mill Creek Metal Works, a custom metal fabrication shop specializing in manufacturing high-end kitchen and home fabrications, has been in operation in Yale since 1994. When Mill Creek began looking at expanding its current location at Roy Drive and Commerce Drive, the company was concerned about shipping their products on Roy Drive, which is currently a gravel road. These concerns prompted Mill Creek to consider moving out of state. To accommodate the expansion, the City of Yale has committed to paving Roy Drive and make it an all-season route. Mill Creek now plans to invest $453,500 to expand its facility, creating at least five new jobs and retaining 16 employees. The total cost of the project is $257,523, including $141,638 in TEDF funds and $115,885 from the City of Yale.
Meanwhile, Redall Industries, Inc. is a supplier of roll-formed parts, stamped components, and assemblies for the automotive and appliance industries. Redall has locations in both Mexico and Yale, and debated which location to invest operations as they expanded their customer base to include all of North America. Redall plans to invest $5 million to expand its Yale facility, retaining 81 employees and creating an additional 53 jobs. The city has agreed to construct a water main loop to accommodate the company’s needs, requiring partial reconstruction of Wood Street, from M-19 to the Redall entrance at Mary Street. The overall cost of the project is $156,081, using $124,865 in TEDF funding, and $31,216 from the city of Yale.

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