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Inmates get new tablets in Sanilac County during pilot program

(SANILAC COUNTY) — The Sanilac County Sheriff’s Department is partnering with a leading technology company to test a program that will provide tablets for inmate use at the Sanilac County Jail. The purpose of the pilot program is to provide inmates with tools to help reduce recidivism and assist in behavior modification. The tablets will allow inmates to search for potential future jobs, access monitored library resources, and assist inmates in working toward their GED. Sheriff Garry Biniecki says he supports trying out the tablet program on a trial basis because the technology is very secure and offers benefits to both inmates and staff. He adds that while he is happy with trying out the devices, “we must proceed carefully and with caution because we are introducing a new device into a correctional environment and with it comes some new challenges.” The tablets will be provided at no cost to the county.

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