UNDATED (AP) – It was ladies’ night on “American Idol” Thursday night. As the Season 15 auditions continue, the judges feel the women have the talent edge. A former Miss Alaska is one of the standouts in the San Francisco auditions. Malie Delgado sang, rapped and impressed the judges with her looks and personality. Harry Connick Jr. told her to be ready for a dog fight in Hollywood, a husky dog fight. The night ended with a surprise for 15-year-old Tristan McIntosh from Nashville, who auditioned in Little Rock, Arkansas. J-Lo said Tristan reminds her of a young Alicia Keys. When it came time to give Tristan her golden ticket, the judges called in her mom, Army Major Amy McIntosh. Tristan thought her mother was still deployed to the Middle East. Next week, the auditions move to Philadelphia.