Oxford Bank in Dryden hit Friday by masked man; authorities still searching for suspect

(DRYDEN) — Dryden Police and Lapeer County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating the area’s second bank robbery that occurred Friday, January 8, just a day after the Yale Tri-County bank office was robbed. Just after noon, officers responded to the Oxford Bank located on Main Street in Dryden. A man entered the bank through the front doors. There were no other customers and only employees in the building. Authorities say no weapons were displayed while the individual kept his hand in his coat pocket and verbally demanded that the bank tellers provide him money. After receiving an undisclosed amount of cash, the suspect fled the scene. None of the employees were injured. Customers and witnesses observed the suspect as he ran south across Main Street to a parking lot. He escaped driving a 2005 or newer Chevrolet Impala or Buick 4-door car that was either light or tan in color. The man was wearing a black ski mask and glasses. He is believed to be in his late 40’s to early 50’s and between 5’8″ and 5’10” tall. Police have not indicated whether they believe the Yale and Dryden bank robberies are related.

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