Sanilac County Courthouse Rededication Ceremony planned for April 12

(SANDUSKY) — The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners are planning a Rededication Ceremony for the county courthouse in Sandusky to commemorate its 100th Anniversary on April 12, 2016. The original Sanilac County Courthouse was destroyed by fire in January 1915. Work on the new building started in July 1915 and was finished and officially turned over to the Board of Supervisors in April 1916. County Administrator Kathy Dorman says an Anniversary Committee, appointed by board Chairman Justin Faber, will meet this week. The county is seeking pictures, documents, and personal stories related to the courthouse for a commemorative exhibit. Anyone with items to share are asked to contact Administrator Dorman’s office at 810-648-2933 or send an email to

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