(SANILAC COUNTY) — Sanilac Great Start Collaborative is paying the registration fee for the first 20 parents in our county to register to attend Parent University 2016. This is a one day event for parents and childcare providers to gain some new tools for use in raising children who are safe, healthy and enter Kindergarten ready to succeed. Registration is open until Friday, February 19. The event is Saturday, March 5 at St. Clair RESA, TEC Building, 499 Range Road Marysville. 9am to 2pm. Sanilac Great Start Collaborative is also providing a gas card to Sanilac parents who attend to help offset the travel costs. Raising a child isn’t easy, and most of us have to learn as we go along. At Parent University parents can find out what experts and other parents say about some of the issues they face and learn about techniques, services and products available to help make the journey easier and their child happier. To register go to www.greatstartsanilac.com and click on the Parent University registration link. Or for more information call Karolyn McEntee at 648-2200, Ext. 4108.