Kasich discusses faith and good works

MONROE, Mich. (AP) – Republican presidential candidate John Kasich says faith is proven in the care we show for others, especially when no one is looking.
At a town hall meeting in Michigan, the Ohio governor said he’s learned that satisfaction in life comes from helping others who are less fortunate. But he said a Bible commentary he had just read noted that even Jesus sometimes healed people privately “so as to glorify God and not glorify himself.”
Kasich said he doesn’t push his faith on others, but for him it’s essential in times of crisis. The Ohio governor said, “I don’t know where I’d go if I didn’t have it.”
A self-identified Democrat at the event criticized Kasich’s remark at a recent debate that gay people who are denied services should find another business that will serve them rather than suing someone with religious objections. Referencing the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage, Kasich said, “Let’s just let everybody take a deep breath and see if we can get along and use common sense.”

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