Tiny Los Angeles church hosted Reagans’ 1952 wedding

LOS ANGELES (AP) – The tiny church where Ronald and Nancy Reagan were married is still a popular wedding venue.
Known as the Little Brown Church, the nondescript building in the Studio City neighborhood of Los Angeles seats only 125 people.
The church, a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), opened in 1939 and has hosted more than 23,000 weddings since the Reagans became its most famous newlyweds in 1952. Many Japanese couples cross the ocean to get married there on a package tour that includes a honeymoon in Disneyland.
A simple display inside the church pays homage to the Reagans with a copy of their marriage certificate, some newspaper articles and a photo of the happy couple cutting their wedding cake. Associate Pastor Michael Kosik says, “We’ve heard that it’s a wonderful love story, we’ve heard and read about the Reagans and it’s really an honor that the Little Brown Church gets to be a part of that story.”
Nancy Reagan, who died Sunday at 94, will be buried next to her husband at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Friday.

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