Thumb Area Election Results-Tuesday, March 8


(SANILAC COUNTY) — Thirty-six percent of Sanilac County’s registered voters went to the polls Tuesday for Michigan’s Presidential Primary. In addition to selecting presidential candidates, four countywide millage proposals passed and voters in both Argyle and Wheatland Townships turned down controversial windmill zoning ordinances. In Argyle Township, the wind proposal was voted down by a margin of 22 votes–139 to 161.The returns from Wheatland Township were more decisive–105 no votes to 60 yes. Sanilac County voters approved both the Veterans millage and the Medical Control Services funding. The millage renewal for the Sanilac Medical Care facility passed 61 to 39 pecent and a .15-mill proposal to fund the county recycling center narrowly passed by 239 votes with 5,199 voting yes and 4,960 voting no. Argyle Township residents renewed the fire and road millage, while road proposals in Marion, Marlette and Moore Townships were also passed by big margins. In the Republican Presidential primary, Donald Trump had 44 percent of Sanilac County’s votes, while Ted Cruz had 21 percent, and John Kasich was third with 19 percent. On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton by a 54 to 42 percent margin.
The numbers are in and 38 percent of the registered voters in Lapeer County headed to the polls on Tuesday. North Branch area Republican Gary Howell defeated Democrat Margaret Guerrero DeLuca and Libertarian Tracy Spiker in the race to fill the 82nd District State House Seat vacated by Todd Courser who resigned amid a scandal. Howell garnered 13,907 votes, while DeLuca had 8,080, and Spiker had 1,154. The term expires on January 1, 2017. Lapeer County voters also followed the statewide trend in selecting Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders in the Presidential Primary. There were several local ballot proposals decided Tuesday. Deerfield Township voters turned down a a special assessment request 1,012 to 627 to fund a mosquito abatement program. The Dryden Schools .75-mill sinking fund proposal was approved 819 to 755. The funds will be used for building and property maintenance and upgrades. Lapeer city residents and the townships served by the Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority renewed a 5-year operating millage with 8,121 to 2,368 votes. North Branch Township voters were in favor of the 1.5-mill renewal for fire protection, passing the initiative with 537 yes to 315 no votes.
Voters in Huron County passed the Hume Township road millage request Tuesday with 142 yes to 87 no votes. The Port Austin Road Millage Renewal was also approved with 271 yes to 137 no votes. In the Presidential Primary, Republican Donald Trump received over 43 percent of the votes with Ted Cruz coming in second and John Kasich third. On the Democratic ticket, Bernie Sanders was victorious over Hillary Clinton.
Tuscola County voters went to the polls on Tuesday for the state’s Presidential Primary and passed the countywide millage proposal for the MSU Extension programs with 9,781 yes to 3,926 no votes. Voters in the Kingston School District approved the 18-mill operating millage renewal and turned down the $6 million bond proposal for district improvements and technology upgrades. The Mayville Schools 18-mill operating millage renewal passed, as well as the Wells Township road millage renewal. In the Presidential Primary, Republican Donald Trump defeated his challengers, while Bernie Sanders garnered over 500 more votes than challenger Hillary Clinton.
The votes have been tallied in St. Clair County and Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump was the clear winner on the Republican ballot, receiving over 48 percent of the votes. John Kasich garnered over 20 percent of the votes with Ted Cruz in third and Marco Rubio in fourth. On the Democratic ballot, Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton with 58 to 41 percent of the votes. All but one of the local initiatives on the ballot were approved Tuesday. Marine City voters turned down the public safety tax request with 430 yes to 641 no votes. In St. Clair, the street millage passed by almost 700 votes-1,217 yes to 525 no. The Casco Township Road Millage passed with 774 yes to 231 no. The the Coast Guard lease proposal in Algonac soundly passed with 998 yes to 87 no votes.

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