Brown City residents to see slight increase in utility bills beginning next month

(BROWN CITY) — Brown City’s utility rates were adjusted for inflation during Monday night’s council meeting. The rates were rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. On average, rates for each category of non-metered customers in Brown City will be going up $1 per month beginning April 1. Metered customers will see an increase of about 3-cents per thousand gallons of water and about 2-cents for each thousand gallons of sewage. In other business Monday, the council approved a request from the Brown City Festival Commission for $2,500 to be used toward the summer festival fireworks show, provided the Festival Commission can raise a $2,500 match. It was also approved to establish a separate checking account for the Festival Commission. The council was informed that the Brown City Rotary is interested in sponsoring a refreshment tent during the summer festival on the property immediately north of the old bowling alley and to the west of the city parking lot behind the Harrington Inn. The Festival Commission will seek permission from the family that owns the property.

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