(HURON COUNTY) — North Huron FFA students traveled to Michigan State University last Wednesday for the 88th Michigan FFA State Convention. The theme of this year’s convention was “Aim to Be.” 26 members from North Huron went to convention to participate in contests, receive awards, and see leadership in action. Those who attended were Lizzy Baranski, Jessica Murawski, Sarah Hebert, Casey Baranski, Raegan Gembarski, Tammy Kessel, Kendall Pawlowski, Nick Schramski, Sheridan Pawlowski, Nicole Alexander, Katelyn Fortin, Emily Kosinski, Allyson Majeski, Mike Jahn, Adrian Tibbits, Maggie Fischer, Tyler Gorkowski, Sarah Rice, Jessica McDaniels, Sabrina Rice, Benjamin Zaleski, Brad Pettit, Lindsey Hagle, Kate Jaworski, Faith Yageman and Shannon Grifka. 24 North Huron students earned “Academic Excellence” awards, 11 earned “Outstanding Junior” awards, and 11 were awarded a state degree.
PICTURED: Back Row Left to Right: Sarah Rice, Emily Kosinski, Nicole Alexander, Allyson Majeski, Jessica Murawski, Kendall Pawlowski, Mike Jahn, Nick Schramski. Middle Row Left to Right: Tyler Gorkowski, Kate Jaworski, Faith Yageman, Shannon Grifka, Sabrina Rice, Lizzy Baranski, Ben Zaleski, Jessica McDaniels, Lindsey Hagel, Adrian Tibbits and Tammy Kessel. Front Row Left to Right: Casey Baranski, Sheridan Pawlowski, Sarah Hebert and Raegan Gembarski.