Tuscola Central Dispatch enhances 9-1-1 Services with Smart911

(TUSCOLA COUNTY) — Public safety officials in Tuscola County have announced that Smart911 is now available to all citizens. Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens to create a Safety Profile for their household that can include any information they may want 9-1-1 operators and first responders to have in the event of an emergency. Officials say the free service provides emergency responders with more information that saves time and saves lives. Residents are encouraged to sign up online at www.smart911.com Responders can now be aware of details such as how many people live a home and the location of bedrooms in the case of a fire, EMS can be advised in advance of allergies or specific medical conditions, and police can have a photo of a missing child in seconds. Residents can link both home and work addresses to mobile phones and additional information such as pets in the home, vehicle details, and emergency contacts can be included in the Safety Profile. The service is private and secure. It is only made available to the 9-1-1 system in the event of an emergency.

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