(AREA) — Congresswoman Candice Miller has announced her intention to run this year for the Macomb County Public Works Commissioner seat after 14-years of service in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Republican from Harrison Township formerly served a 2-year term as Michigan Secretary of State. Miller was also the Macomb County Treasurer for 2-years and spent 12-years as the Harrison Township Supervisor. During her time in Congress, Miller lead in promoting Michigan infrastructure development and was a defender of the Great Lakes. In recent years, she served as Michigan’s only member on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and also served on the subcommittee for Water Resources and the Environment. Early last year Miller announced that she would not seek re-election to Michigan’s 10th Congressional District. Reports say the Macomb County public works commissioner is responsible for overseeing the county’s water and sewage infrastructure, working with local officials on new projects, and sitting on the county Drain Commission.