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Huron County Sheriff’s deputies recognized at 2016 Annual Meeting

(HURON COUNTY) — The Huron County Sheriff’s Department held their annual staff meeting earlier this month and recognized 13 deputies for their professional excellence in 2015. Future office plans, expectations, and last year’s activity was also discussed at the meeting. Undersheriff Duane Miller was recognized for outstanding service and dedication towards acquiring grants, forfeitures, and military property. One of those accomplishments was the new patrol boat going into service, the “Sheriff Joseph J. Murray.” Deputies Jordan Gunsell, Charles Stevens, Dan Maxwell, Josh Loss, Katie Carter, Corporal Stephanie Voss, and Sgt. Ryan Newmann were honored for their work for the department and citizens of Huron County. Deputy Ryan Swartz was recognized for his efforts in breaking up a larceny crime spree that encompassed eight counties in the state. Deputy Steve Bismack was thanked for his assistance with the department’s vehicles and outfitting and fabricating the new patrol boat. Deputy Troy Helewski and Corporal Steve Bischer were honored for their vigilance last May when an inmate attacked a fellow employee with a homemade shank and Daryl Ford was recognized for his participation in breaking up a larceny crime spree last June that encompassed eight counties in the state. Sheriff Kelly Hanson says the meeting was attended by 35 of its 36 full time deputies.

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