Marlette Regional Hospital Honors Employees for Years of Service

(MARLETTE) — Each year, Marlette Regional Hospital hosts an Employee Appreciation Banquet to honor exceptional employees that have dedicated many hours of service to the organization. At this year’s banquet held on March 12th in Frankenmuth, MRH recognized employees that have given a combined 773 years of service—a tremendous amount of service time!
Honored for 3-years of service were the following employees: Brenda Ahlgren, Dr. Jabir Akhtar, Tanya Clark, Amanda Davis, Benjamin Duby, Christina Dost, Ilene Hayes, Theresa Horn, Ashley Nicol, Deanna Pagel, Helen Salas, April Shafer, Gloria Sherwood, Matthew Walters, and Selena Wright.
Employees honored for 5-years of service included: Barbara Baird, Michelle Bombard, Elizabeth Degelbeck, Kelly French, Jennifer Glasgow, Jennifer Kile, Su-Ann Kipp, Brenda McLaughlin, Maranda McMaster, Patricia Schank, Vincent Shephard, and Michele Torrey.
Honored for 10-years of service were the following employees: Tina Craig, Cindy Franzel, Mary Gallagher, Janet Jurgess, Curtis Landrith, Pamela Lewis, and Amy Miller.
Employees honored for 15-years of service were: Kathy Jo Bilicki, Anita Craven, Sherry Fricke, Kevin Hartwick, Tricia Martus, Victoria Meiburg, Lindy Pohlod, Carol Roberts, Shelby Roggenbuck, and Sandra Starbird.
Honored for 20-years of service was employee Veronica Oliver.
Honored for 25-years of service were the following employees: Janet Bastian, Debbra Chappel, Jacqueline Forbes, and Rick Theurer.
Honored for 35-five years of service were employees Mary Jo Appel and Mark Homer.
Honored for 40-years of service was employee Marie Stanczak.
Retirees that were honored included: Ruth Babich, Marie Bowman, Lillian Comment, Ralph Deshetsky (Board of Directors), Mary Alice Gretz, Doris Huntoon (Board of Directors), Pamela Parrott, Karen Petersen, Mark Shephard, and in memory of Teddy Kelledes.
PICTURED: MRH employees that were in attendance and honored for 15 years of service (left to right): Anita Craven, Kathy Jo Bilicki, Lindy Pohlod, Victoria Meiburg, Shelby Roggenbuck, Carol Roberts, and Kevin Hartwick.

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