(SANDUSKY)–The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners met for a brief statutory meeting Tuesday afternoon. Commissioners authorized ballot language for both the senior citizens service millage and the library millage. The approved language for the library millage would renew the original 0.2000 mills through 2019, while the senior citizens service millage would see an increase from 0.2000 to 0.25 mills through 2019. In other business, commissioners unanimously authorized the purchase of a Ford transit van for the county sheriff’s department at a cost not to exceed $34,333. Funding for the new van will be drawn from the U.S. Marshall Service transport contract. The board also authorized repair work to be done to one of the sheriff department’s K-9 vehicles at a cost not to exceed $8,264.03. Funding for that project will come from the uniform services vehicle maintenance fund. The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners meet again next Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. in the commissioner’s chambers.