Michigan wants risk analysis about St. Clair River pipelines

(MARYSVILLE) — The state of Michigan wants the federal government to request a comprehensive risk analysis about several pipelines under the St. Clair River. The request was included in the state’s comments announced Thursday about proposed issuance of a presidential permit to Plains LPG Services that officials say could allow two St. Clair River pipelines built in 1918 to transport crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons. Houston-based Plains LPG has said it has no intention to transport crude oil in the pipelines. The company in 2012 acquired six pipelines beneath the St. Clair River and says they’re safe. Michigan says the analysis should determine risks to the environment and public health and look at a possible worst-case scenario for a spill in the waterway that runs between the U.S. and Canada. On Friday, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette urged the U.S. State Department to reject the permit.

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