UPDATE: Huron County man burned in grass fire accident passes from his injuries


(SHERIDAN TWP) — A 93-year old Huron County man, severely burned in a grass fire incident in Sheridan Township on Sunday afternoon, has passed away from his injuries. Sheriff Kelly Hanson says the victim, David Nutt, was burning grass near his residence on McTaggert Road and the fire got away from him. He was found by a passerby severely burned, and laying in burned grass. He was taken by ambulance to Huron Medical Center and later flight-cared to a Flint area hospital with burns over 30% of his body. It appears nearly 3 acres were burned in the process, and the remnants were extinguished by the Bingham Township fire department. Area fire chiefs are reminding residents that grass fires are a common form of spring ditch and perimeter cleaning. Those who utilize this process are asked to take proper precautions to prevent injury and property damage. Dry grass can burn fast and easily get out of control.

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