Local Sheriff’s weigh in on Coast Guard proposal for seasonal closings of stations

(HARBOR BEACH) — The U.S. Coast Guard says planned seasonal closings at some of its Great Lakes stations include one in the Lake Huron community of Harbor Beach. Coast Guard officials were in Harbor Beach on Friday to discuss the plans with city officials and first responders. Under the proposal, the Coast Guard says the station will remain staffed with response crews during the summer months and will operate from Port Huron the remainder of the time. The changes could be put into effect as early as fall of 2016. Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson and Sanilac County Sheriff Garry Biniecki, along with other local officials attended the meeting at the Coast Guard Station Harbor Beach. Sanilac County Sheriff Garry Biniecki said, “I believe they are justifying their Marine SAR Missions based on Statistics showing when they are needed. As an Administrator, I know how important it is to have staff in the right place at the right time.” Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson added, “Sheriffs are here and will continue to be here all year. We are better prepared during that off season as shown by the acquisition of our new Air Boat the Sheriffs’ Endeavor.” Sheriff’s deputies will still be responding directly to public needs and the Coast Guard will be responding from either Port Huron or Saginaw to assist. The Coast Guard has indicated that their air assets will still be available year round. The Coast Guard has been asked by local authorities for additional information along with what equipment could be repurposed to local departments.

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