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GOP Senators vote to outlaw fetal tissue sales in Michigan during Right of Life Legislative Day

(AREA) — There were around 300 leaders and volunteers from local Right to Life affiliates throughout the state that met in Lansing this week for the annual Right to Life of Michigan Legislative Day. Amy Roggenbuck, President of Sanilac County Right to Life was joined by four other local volunteers at the event Wednesday. Attendees were briefed about many prolife bills working their way through a tough legislative process at the State Capitol. Following the event and presentation by Sue Thayer, former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, the crowd walked over to the State Capitol to encourage prolife representatives in the Michigan House. Earlier in the day, the State Senate approved legislation to make it illegal to pay someone to distribute or sell fetal tissue in Michigan. The legislation was approved in a 26-10 vote along party lines. Bill sponsor, Phil Pavlov of St. Clair Township, told fellow lawmakers that the bills send a strong message that “baby parts are not for sale in Michigan.”

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