(GREENLEAF TOWNSHIP) — By an overwhelming margin, voters in Greenleaf Township recalled Clerk Lori Mazure Tuesday. Mazure received only 48 votes, while her challenger Judy Keller garnered 146. Trustee Randy Schuette filed the recall petition stating that Mazure abused her office by releasing documents of the zoning administrator without his consent. Meanwhile, back in March, Mazure filed a lawsuit against Schuette in Sanilac County Circuit Court alleging defamation of character, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Mazure is seeking over $25,000 in damages and is requesting a jury trial. This was the third recall election in the township in the past year. Greenleaf Township voters also filled the treasurer’s position, which had been vacant since Bernadette Cain resigned late last year. Rosario Quinn is the new treasurer. She received 148 votes, while challenger Christina Gibbard had 45.