“General Threat” found at Kingston Schools Monday; nothing suspicious found by police

(KINGSTON) — Kingston Schools Superintendent Matthew Drake says a parent found a “general threat” left in a common area at the elementary school on Monday, May 9, just minutes before students were to be dismissed for the day. The parent informed the office and the school’s Emergency Plan was started. All students were secured in classrooms and the building was put on lock down as a precaution. Once law enforcement arrived, Ross Street was closed by the Kingston Fire Department to control access. Police conducted a walk through and found nothing out of place or suspicious. Students were then dismissed through a single, secure exit to the buses or their parents. Students were not allowed to go to their lockers before leaving the building. The K-9 unit was then brought into the school to do a thorough search. According to the release from Superintendent Drake, the Kingston School district has hired a police officer to work various shifts at the school to improve security and investigate the threat. There is a $300 cash reward being offered for information leading to those involved. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Mayville Police Department at 989-843-5301.
Parents and students are also encouraged to use the “OK2SAY” Program by calling 855-565-2729, texting information to the number 652729 or sending an email to ok2saymi.gov

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