Sandusky City Airport Open House set for May 21

(SANDUSKY) — The Sandusky City Airport is hosting an Open House on Saturday, May 21 from 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Visitors will have the chance to tour the new Airport Terminal building. Construction has wrapped up at the new 1,800-square foot terminal. Funding for the $480,000 project included a 5-percent federal and local match. The old terminal, built in the late 1960’s was torn down last fall. In 2009, Congresswoman Candice Miller was instrumental in securing over $700,000 in federal funding for runway expansion at the airport. The improvement was made to attract larger aircraft and facilitate the economic needs of the area by expanding the runway by about 500-feet. Along with tours, there will be free hot dogs and beverages beginning at Noon and drawings for airplane rides. Bring the kids for the candy drop and a chance to check out the flight simulator, radio controlled airplane demonstrations, and a Life Net helicopter on display. The Sandusky City Airport is located 2.5 miles north of Sandusky on North Sandusky Road.

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