Local Gulf War veteran to march in National Memorial Day Parade

(SANDUSKY) — 25-years ago, more than 600,000 service members took part in Operation Desert Storm. At the time it was the largest deployment of U.S. Armed Forces since Vietnam. Michael Lewis was a private first class from Sandusky and left to serve our country. On Monday, May 30, Lewis, a Nurse Practitioner at McKenzie Health System, will march among more than 500 Gulf War veterans in the American Veterans Center’s National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. Lewis was born and raised in Sanilac County and returned home after his time in the service. The veterans are participating in the National Memorial Day Parade thanks to the National Desert Storm War Memorial Association and its mission to honor the legacy of the Gulf War though building a monument in the nation’s capital in memory of the 383 service members who fell during the war. Lewis and other veterans will follow part of the same route service members returning from the Middle East marched 25-years ago. By honoring Gulf War veterans alongside veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and our most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the parade will cement Operation Desert Storm as one of our nation’s key battles for freedom.

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