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Craft beer used to raise money for restoring Bay City park

BAY CITY, Mich. (AP) – Craft beer is being used to help restore one of Bay City’s oldest parks. The Bay City Times reports $1 from each pint of Battery Park Golden Ale being sold at several downtown locations is going to the Bay Veterans Foundation, the nonprofit raising money to improve Battery Park. The beer is brewed by Mount Pleasant-based Mountain Town Brewery Co. The Bay Veterans Foundation says efforts to restore the park are nearing completion, with more than 90 percent of the $110,000 fundraising goal donated or pledged. Crews this week put in new sidewalks. A rededication ceremony is planned June 21. Battery Park was drafted in village records in 1849, when it was set aside as Bay City’s town square, and came to fruition after the Civil War in 1865.

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