(CARO) — The Michigan State Police Caro Post will host a Citizens’ Academy, which will start July 28 and end September 15. The eight week academy will give citizens the opportunity to become familiar with the mission and operation of the Michigan State Police, understand the procedures troopers follow, increase their awareness of law enforcement’s role in the community, and get to know personnel at the Caro Post. The academy will take place at the Tuscola County Medical Care Facility Business Annex, located at 1231 Cleaver Road in Caro, on Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. A graduation ceremony will be held on September 15. Individuals interested in attending the Citizens’ Academy should contact Trooper Mark Swales at 989-673-2156 or email swalesm@michigan.gov to receive an application. Residents must be 18 or older to apply.