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Sanilac County Community Foundation Scholarships Announced

(AREA) — The Sanilac County Community Foundation recently announced another round of scholarship recipients in the Thumb. Several graduates will use the funds to further their education and pursue their goals. Bad Axe graduate Abigail Lorencz received the Fred Kalis Athletic Scholarship and plans to attend the University of Michigan in the fall to study industrial and operations engineering. Peck grad Nicholas Grifka was awarded the Marvin Longuski Scholarship and John Wilder Memorial Scholarship. He will attend Michigan State University to study dairy management. Croswell-Lexington graduate Megan Jex and Carsonville-Port Sanilac grad Aleesha Klaty were awarded the Esther M. Cuppen Scholarship. Megan will attend St. Clair County Community College for 2-years and transfer to Central Michigan University to study elementary education. Aleesha will also attend Central Michigan University to major in Early Childhood Development and Learning. Marlette graduates Jessica Ruckman and Andrew Storm are this year’s recipients of the Cheryl Thomas Scholarship. Jessica plans to attend Oakland University this fall to study nursing and Andrew will run track and field and pursue a chemistry related degree at Oakland University.

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