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Special “Meet the Candidates” program this Wednesday, July 27 in Argyle

(ARGYLE) — The Sanilac County Republican Party is presenting a special “Meet the Candidates” program this Wednesday, July 27 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph Hall in Argyle. Headlining the program will be the three Republican candidates for 83rd District Representative including Justin Faber, Shane Hernandez, and Matt Muxlow. Also appearing will be the two candidates for County Drain Commissioner, Greg Alexander and Bernie Hawk. The three Republican candidates for District 5 County Commissioner, Christine Lee, Paul Muxlow, and Joseph Ruesser, will also be on the program. The moderator will be Kathy Berden of Snover, who is the Republican National Committeewoman from Michigan. The public is welcome to attend and the program will also be broadcast on WMIC AM 660 on Wednesday, July 27 beginning at 7 p.m.

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