Foreign Lottery Scam Reported in the Thumb


(AREA) — A Tuscola County resident was quick to question a letter received in mail that included a check for over $4,600. The person went to the Michigan State Police Post in Caro where detectives called the number in the letter. The letter was from North American Financial Clearing Services in Hamilton, Ontario. The check was in the amount of $4,632. The letter instructed the winner to call the number and further instruction would be given. Detectives posed as the winner and instructions were given to cash the check and mail $3,900 to an address in Houston, Texas via UPS with next day delivery. The claims representative on the phone told the detective not to take the letter to the bank or they would notify the IRS and the winnings would be taxed. At that time, the detective identified themselves and the person on the other end of the phone call hung up. Authorities remind residents that you will never have to provide money to receive lottery winnings. Anyone receiving suspicious letters of this nature are asked to contact police.

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