County mourns passing of Commissioner James Ruby

(SANILAC COUNTY) — Sanilac County Commissioner James Ruby passed away on Sunday, August 14. Administrator Kathy Dorman says Jim’s commitment to the county and the communities he represented will long be remembered. Jim served on the board for 12-years and held many leadership roles, including Board Chairman from 2009-2010, Vice-Chairman from 2015-2016, Finance and Administrative Committee Chairman from 2012-2014, as well as serving on numerous committees and community boards. Mr. Ruby represented District 4 in Sanilac County, which serves the city of Marlette, and Marlette, Elmer, Flynn, Elk, and Buel Townships. As a fiscal conservative, he kept a close eye on county finances. Jim prided himself on regularly attending meetings within his district and being responsive to questions and concerns. The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners, county management team, and employees wish to extend their sympathy to his wife Dorothy and their family. Funeral Arrangements for Commissioner Jim Ruby have been made. Visitation will take place on Friday, August 19, 4 to 8 p.m. at the Marsh Funeral Chapel in Sandusky where services will take place on Saturday, August 20 at 11 a.m. Visitation will begin at 10 a.m.

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