State Representative Howell’s bill expands use of life-saving opioid antagonists

(AREA) — State Representative Gary Howell has introduced legislation expanding the use of life-saving drugs that stop deadly overdoses to state and local corrections officers. Howell of North Branch stated that other law enforcement and emergency medical officials are allowed to carry opioid antagonists, which are used to stop overdoses from morphine, heroin, and prescription pain medications. Legislation enacted in the past two years has made the drugs available to first responders, who are most likely to encounter an individual experiencing an overdose. Howell’s bill would extend that use to jail and prison officers. Lapeer County Sheriff Ron Kalanquin joined Howell on the house floor in June and stated that the men and women who staff our jails are on the front line against illegal drug use in corrections facilities and they too, should have access to all tools to help fight drug abuse.
PICTURED: State Representative Gary Howell, R-North Branch, joined on the House floor in June by Lapeer County Sheriff Ron Kalanquin.

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